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Products for Emergency Spills& Routine Maintenance


171 Pleasant Avenue Geneva, Ohio 44041
Sales: (800)332-9791 Office: (440)466-3400
Fax(440) 466-3411


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Spills Happen...

Are you ready for chemical and oil spills?

Do you have the right absorbent products?
Are your absorbents cost effective?


Absorbent Pads and Pillows in Use







The Key Steps in preparing for emergency spills or routine leaks:

  • know how you will be using absorbents
  • choose the best absorbents for each application
  • have absorbents on hand before you need them

Our absorbent products and spill kits were designed with the real world needs of your work place in mind. Your cleanup will be faster, safer and cost-effective. Generally, absorbent pads are designed for use under machinery and in walkways. Absorbent socks are intended to be placed around the base of machinery and drums. Absorbent pillows are meant for large spills and leaks. Absorbent rolls are intended for spills and leaks in areas larger than the absorbent pads would handle.


Enjoy your visit to US Sorbents web pages.
If you have any questions about our
products, please e-mail us at


Or call the numbers on this page.


Universal Absorbent Products
Our universal absorbent pads along with absorbent socks and absorbent pillows are light-weight, durable, reusable and incinerable. They can absorb hydrocarbons and most chemicals.* They can be stuffed into small areas such as spill kits, without losing absorbency.

* Not recommended for use on concentrated, fuming acids.

Oil-Only Absorbent Products
Our oil absorbent pads and booms will absorb petroleum based products while repelling water. The absorbency rate of our oil products is as high as any polypropylene absorbent on the market.

In addition to the standard sizes available, we can customize our absorbent products to fit your specific needs. If your needs are not met by the absorbents or safety products on this web site, please call us for additional information.

Sales: (800) 332-9791

Office: (440) 466-3400
Fax: (440) 466-3411
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